Saturday, December 21, 2013

Winter Solstice 2013

Ah, the winter solstice, the shortest day in the Northern Hemisphere. I've always enjoyed this day. I'm not sure if it is due to the darkness inviting more time for contemplation. Maybe it is the fact that I know from now until June the day light grows each day and that means summer and cruising is on the way. Maybe it is due to all the celebration of Christmas and this season of light. Maybe it is just that I like winter (as well as the other seasons).

It is also the first day of Winter and I thought I would include a winter reading.

Blessed Be,


Let us not wish away the winter.
It is a season to itself, not simply the way to spring.
     When trees rest, growing no leaves, gathering no light, 
     they let in sky and trace themselves delicately against dawns and sunsets.
The clarity and brilliance of the winter sky delight.
The loom of fog softens edges, lulls the eyes and ears of the quiet,
awakens by risk the unquiet. A low dark sky can snow, emblem of
individuality, liberality, and aggregate power.
Snow invites to contemplation and to sport.
     Winter is a table set with ice and starlight.
Winter dark tends to warm light: fire and candle;
winter cold to hugs and huddles; winter want to gifts and sharing;
winter danger to visions, plans, and common endeavoring - and the zest
of narrow escapes; winter tedium to merry-making.
     Let us therefore praise winter, rich in 
     beauty, challenge, and pregnant negativities.
                         ~ Greta Crosby

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