Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday Film Link -

This Advent, I thought I would show case some fun films regarding the sailing life. Yachting maybe very old, as John Vigor points out, however, it is only rather recently that "average" people could afford this sort of thing.
To continue, I thought I would share a film made quite recently. Christian Lloyd is a young man who took some time out from his job as an engineer (?) to buy a boat and sail to Mexico, then Hawaii before coming back to the Puget Sound area. You can follow his blog at Life On Water. I include his example for a number of reasons. First, there is a sense that one has to be rich, retired, and/or a trustee recipient in order to participate in this life-style. Reading between the lines, I sense that he is a young man who saved up his money, bought a boat on the cheap, fixed the boat up enough to travel, lives quite simply, and works from time to time to keep the cash flow coming.
Secondly, look at he is able to produce with modern equipment. The Hiscocks (see last weeks post) produced an amazing movie using film. As the Pardey's remark, they had take careful notes and work at setting up scenes. With modern equipment, we can now take underwater shots, and do our own editing. While some of the movie making equipment these days is still pricey enough to have me figuring out the need/want ratio, there is a sense that modern equipment has democratized the video making abilities of each one of us.
Anyway, I thought the following video of one of Christian Llyod's friends' boat a fun to watch.

Blessed Be,


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