Monday, December 16, 2013

Third Monday in Advent

I'm not sure if it is pondering Mary's Magnificat, reading a week's "diary" from an Amish woman in Iowa, talking to someone about retrofitting an older 1963 sailboat, or changing a front flat tire yesterday morning, but today I'm thinking about the simple life.
During this Advent season, we folks from a Western culture are quite comfortable with celebrating the birth of a baby. Babies are things to celebrate. But how comfortable are we with the "political"/"social" implications if this birth of Jesus the Christ? After all, doesn't Mary proclaim that the poor and down trodden will be lifted up while the rich and powerful be torn down?
What does it mean to live a life in solidarity with the Kingdom/Kindom of God? Does a simpler life automatically mean we live more peacefully and justly? Does the simpler life create a spiritual practice that helps (if we allow) to shape our lives into ones in which we become peaceful and just?
Such are the things I'm pondering this third Monday in Advent.
What are you pondering?
Blessed be,

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