Monday, September 5, 2016

Learning From Our Experiences

It has been said that adults learn from their experiences. But I remember a continuing education instructor correcting this as follows: Adults learn from reflecting upon their mistakes.

Last week's "presentation" by Ira Glass related to this. We only become better by doing, and then reflecting (admitting, dare I add?) upon how we've done.

Personally, I've been thankful to learn from reflecting upon my own mistakes as well as listening/reading others reflect on their own. I do think there is something about a healthy community that let's us do this - to share in this way.

So it is with gratitude that I share the following videos from Roger Barnes. He has sailed extensively in his own boat. But it finally happened, he capsized while making a passage at sea. He and Avel Dro are fine. The first video below is a reflection from, I believe, the next morning.

Did you notice what he said regarding acceptance of help? Once you've accepted help (which maybe the most prudent action/choice) you've given up some decision masking ability.

This second video was taken a week or so later, once he was back home. He continues to reflect and learn from his experience.

I found both of these videos great examples of learning and reflecting.

At the same time, I can continue to sense his excitement to keep exploring by am open boat cruiser (or a sail-and-oar boat).

Enjoy and blessed be,

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