Monday, September 5, 2016

Frank Dye and Bill Brockbank's 1964 Summer Cruise

I suppose it was the "dinghy" and "capsize" in Roger Barnes' video titles that triggered YouTube to recommend the following video (movie really) from Frank Dye. The movie recounts the epic voyage of Bill Brockbank and Frank Dye from northern Scotland to Norway via the Faroes in Frank's Wander, a Wayfarer 16 foot dinghy. I believe that Frank Dye wrote a book about this voyage. And this Wanderer, (the Dyes have owned several of the same name) is now in the British Maritime Museum.  I've written about Frank Dye and his voyaging before. This movie definitely gives a different perspective on what happened to Roger Barnes, while bringing to light how much worse it could have been.
Enjoy this piece of small boat sailing history.
Blessed be,

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