Monday, September 12, 2016

3 Interesting Videos For You

The following videos I stumbled across by following a reference to the sailing ship Vega and the humanitarian with the ships volunteer crew does each year. You might want to check them out and follow them on Facebook. I'll post a bit more about them from their Facebook page after introducing the videos.

The first video is of a rope-walk (where they make rope). As fancy synthetics like dyneema and/or spectra are replacing wire, sailboats are once again reminded how much line goes into making sails go. I thought it was an interesting little video.

The next two show how chain (as in anchor chain) is made. The first the hand made way, the second the modern way. Again, enjoy.

The Hand Made Way:

The Machine Made Way:

About Vega:
The following is from their website ( - fb: It sounds like they are doing some really great wok.
Every year the 120 years old Norwegian build historic vessel VEGA and her volunteer crew sail about 7,000 miles to collect and deliver between 15 and 20 tons of donated tools, educational and medical supplies. Those supplies are loaded on board in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore then delivered to East Timor and remote islands in Eastern Indonesia. Those supplies help support local level community development, health, and educational services. Supplies are also collected in Australia by VEGA supporters and shipped to Dili on board the yachts in the yearly Darwin to Dili Regatta.
We also provide advanced training for traditional midwives and teaching aids for rural teachers. Every year a fully qualified Indonesian doctor travels with us providing medical services on the remote islands and holding workshops or training seminars for traditional midwives.

Blessed be, 

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