Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Opening Day - Yacht Club Blessing - 2014, 3 May

As Opening Day for many of us is this coming Saturday, I thought I would share what I have used before as my "pastoral" portion of the ceremonies. May we continue to be renewed and refreshed upon the waters of this marvelous Earth.

Blessed Be,

I am profoundly aware that we yachtsmen/women stand upon the shoulders of all of those who have gone before us - especially the working fishing fleets. The first pleasure yachts were often recommissioned working craft. As such I would strongly encourage all of us to participate in the Blessing of the Fishing Fleet at ...

We are people who journey as vessels containing wellsprings of hope;
sharing, replacing, and adding new waters
     of proclamation, power, prophecy and prayer
          to the containers of our life and faith.
We pause and reflect on the movement of the tide of this journey,
     as it washes upon our shores* ...

Let us pray:
Blessed are you, Lord our God
     for you have created a wide and wonderful world in which we can travel
          - we can voyage - upon this watery world.
We ask your blessings upon us (and our vessels)
     upon our leavings and comings.
Be our ever near companion, O Holy Guide to all Travelers,
     and spread the way before us with beauty and renewal.
On our voyages may we take with us
     as part of our traveling equipment
          a heart wrapped in wonder and awe
     with which to rejoice in all that we shall meet.**

O Creator God, may the waters that covered us at our birth
once again remind us of our creation in you.
Remind us that we are vessels of the waters of hope
     and that your outpourings have power to heal
          and make whole our bruised world.
Let the living waters of creation, womb, baptism, and Spirit
     encircle us that we may remember we are yours and be thankful.*

*from Elizabeth Lopez Spence. The United Methodist Book of Worship. (1992) #527 (adapted)
**Adapted from Edward Hays. "Blessing Prayer When About to Leave on a Journey." Prayers for the Domestic Church. (1979) 35.

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