Monday, April 14, 2014

Reflections for Holy Week - Easter, 2014

Coming into Holy Week, I thought rather than doing any reflections on my part, I would instead offer questions to ponder during this week.

During these readings, who is in charge? Who appears to be?
How is non-violent resistance taken? Is it always appropriate?
What are the things you feel so powerful about that you are willing to loose your life?
Are there things worse than death?
How do you experience God when having to make difficult choices and during difficult times?
How is your community supportive, or not?
These disciples - who later become apostles and heroes of the church (if you don't want to use the word "saint") and whom tradition tells us all die for their faith - during this week's readings, all fail Jesus. Knowing that, in what ways is it empowering to you?
Foot washing is an incredibly intimate event (is that why you are shying from it?) in which it takes trust and knowing the other person. What correlations are there in John's Gospel between the disciples asking which one of them is betraying Jesus and his insistence on washing their feet?
There are no benedictions from Thursday until Easter morning, do feel a sense that the services are continuing even when not in church?
What is the difference between Resurrection and Resuscitation?
Where are you experiencing Resurrection in your life?

And finally a poem/saying that struck me as appropriate for this week:
“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”
~ Deng Ming-Dao
Have a Blessed Holy Week,


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