Monday, August 12, 2013

Traveling Personally

On our cruise ship cruise earlier this summer, my son mentioned one night that while he enjoyed the cruise ship, he found the experience rather impersonal.

I've found myself reflecting upon that statement as we are on our own summer cruise in our own little "ship." We are well aware of the power of currents, waves, winds (or lack there of), and the weather. We experience being tired at the end of one passage and jubilant and full of energy at the end of another. There is a sense that no mater what is going on, we are apart of it.

Maybe this is why I like traveling this way. We are apart of it. We are no longer removed from the natural world. And in the process we feel blessed with a profound sense of the Divine's grace.

May you, too, experience a sense of the Divine's grace while you are out on the water.

Blessed be,

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