Monday, August 19, 2013

Neil's Mall - Reuse!

Neil's Mall is located on Lopez Island, near the Village (near Fisherman Bay). The Mall is only open three days a week or so, but well worth visiting. Imagine a church rummage sale in a warehouse type building where everything is ... Free! Yes, Free.

Last week when we visited, our family found tons of books, some knitting needles, music, a "Holland America" bag, and a pair of sorts. We also came back with stories. It was a great experience.

It is all about reusing. Reusing is the second part of the sustainability "trinity:" Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. If we take sustainability seriously, the care for this wonderful God given world, then reusing only makes sense.

Neil must have thought so, too. Being in the garbage business, he must have also been aware of where these things would go if no one could reuse them. Of course, being on an island also ment he knew the price of shipping the "garbage" off island. Why not start a "mall"? People bring things they no longer want/need/have a use for, but that still have "life", so that others can use them. Why not even let people post "want adds:" John's looking for a toaster oven; Jane wants a working TV?

Did you guess? Yes, Neil's Mall is at the Lopez dump. Frankly, I think every community should have one of these. Don't you?

Enjoy finding things to reuse.

Blessed Be

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