Monday, August 26, 2013

Returning Home

Vacation time is only so long. Other obligations insist upon us.The job(s) call us back to the "real" world. We find ourselves having "returned." Now what?

We find that the true real world has changed us. Our cruising has profoundly changed us, not with any sudden movement, but like water on sandstone, a little bit at a time. Somehow we are different. How long the difference lasts we are not sure about. Hopefully, like water on sandstone, we have been changed forever.

There is a sadness to returning. We want to stay out longer. But there is excitement, too. We are reminded that we belong to a community. Perhaps part of the sadness is on the one hand, not knowing how to share how we have been changed, and on the other, wondering how long it will be before it feels like we've changed "back" into who we were before we left.

Yet, return we do. Return as changed people who have experienced awe, wonder, beauty and grace first hand. Returned as people who wonder how to share this type of experience with others.

What would the world be like if everyone had such opportunities for such experiences?

Blessed Be,


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