Thursday, November 1, 2012

All Saints Day, 2012

Happy All Saints Day. Hope you are finding time to think about those who have impacted your life of faith. Upon reflection, do you realize that some of these "saints" may not even be from your own religious tradition? Isn't it interesting how the Spirit works.

Blessed Be


When I walk my dog at night, the route on the way home takes me past a Buddhist temple with a terrace on which stands a huge statue of Saint Shinran Shunin, a Buddhist saint of the twelfth century. This particular statue was in Hiroshima when the bomb fell, and was sent to the Buddhists in New York as a symbol of forgiveness and hope. Each night as my dog and I walk by the great statue, the huge bulk of metal wearing a patina I have never seen on another statue, I say, "Good night, Saint Shinran. Forgive us, and help us." and for me, at this moment, Saint Shinran is one of God's angels. Am I worshiping a pagan saint? A life-less hunk of metal? No! It is an attitude of heart, a part of turning to Christ.
     I rejoice to read in William Johnston's The Inner Eye of Love that Saint Shinran rebelled against legalism and proclaimed "the pre-eminence of faith and grace," and that "he has been frequently compared to Luther."

Madeleine L'Engle. Glimpses of Grace: Daily Thoughts and Reflections. Ed Carole F. Chase. HarperSanFrancisco, 1996. 290.

An All Saints Day Service: All Saints/All Souls, 2011

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