Monday, November 12, 2012

A Prayer for People Who Journey as Vessels

It has been raining here for what seems like 40 days and 40 nights. And when the tide is up, it does seem as if we are floating upon the world. So, when I stumbled across this prayer in the United Methodist Book of Worship I found it all the more seemingly appropriate.

May the waters falling from heaven help to fill your wellsprings of hope and healing, of creation and prophecy, of caring and prayer.

Blessed Be,


We are a people who journey as vessels containing wellsprings of hope;
sharing, replacing, and adding new waters
     of proclamation, power, prophecy, and prayer
          to the containers of our life and faith.
We pause and reflect on the movement of the tide in theis journey,
     as it washes upon our shores,
     cleansing and calling us back to ministry and faith.

The people are invited to stand where they are and share their prayers after each invitation is given.

O Creator God, let the waters of your womb heal.

Let us pray for our global community ...
Let us pray for the bent-overness of our lives and world ...
Let us pray for those living in the midst of violence ...
Let us pray for those living in poverty ...
Let us pray for the effort of peace ...
Let us pray to trust the validity of our experience ...
Let us pray for the call within
     by the One who creates in us wellsprings of hope ...

O Creator God, may the waters that covered us at our birth 
     once again remind us of our creation in you.
Remind us that we are vessels of the waters of hope
     and that your outpourings have power to heal
          and make whole our bruised world.
Let the living waters of creation, womb, baptism, and Spirit
     encircle us that we may remember we are yours and be thankful.

** (Elizabeth Lopez Spence, USA 20th Cent. Alt., United Methodist Book of Worship, 527)

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