Monday, May 28, 2012

Social Affirmation - Covenant: Pentecost Monday, 2012

Last week, during the first Pentecost Prayer Van Dyke has us praying "Revive the power of the gospel in our hearts, that it may be to us a sacred trust for the blessing of all creation." That line caught me as a powerful reminder or our activity in the world around us. For those of us on boats, how do we leave a small wake in our environment? What sort of covenant speaks to these kinds of concerns?

While wrestling with these questions this past week, I was reminded of the World Methodist Social Affirmation, found in the back of the United Methodist Hymnal (#886). I would be curious if other denominations have a similar statement of faith - please let me know.

I find this a starting point for discussion and reflection on how we can bless the world around us with God's love and through Christ's example, how with the Spirit's help we can transform the world into the Garden of Paradise again.

Below is the Social Affirmation.

Blessed Be


We believe in God, creator of the world and all people;
  and in Jesus Christ, incarnate among us,
     who died and rose again;
  and in the Holy Spirit,
     present with us to guide, strengthen, and comfort

We believe:
God, help our unbelief.

We rejoice in every sign of God's kingdom:
     in the upholding of human dignity and community;
     in every expression of love, justice, and reconciliation;
     in each act of self-giving on behalf of others;
     in the abundance of God's gifts
          entrusted to us that all may have enough;
     in all responsible use of the earth's resources.

Glory be to God on high;
and on earth, peace.

We confess our sin, individual and collective,
  by silence or action:
    through the violation of human dignity
      based on race, class, age, sex, nation, or faith;
    through the exploitation of people
      because of greed and indifference;
    through the misuse of power
      in personal, communal, national, and international life;
    through the search for security
      by those military and economic forces
      that threaten human existence;
    through the abuse of technology
      which endangers the earth and all life upon it.

Lord, have mercy;
Christ, have mercy;
Lord, have mercy.

We commit ourselves individually and as a community
  to the way of Christ:
    to take up the cross;
    to seek abundant life for all humanity;
    to struggle for peace with justice and freedom;
    to risk ourselves in faith, hope and love,
        praying that God's kingdom may come.

Thy kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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