Monday, May 21, 2012

Two Pentecost Prayers: Monday Prior to Pentecost

With Pentecost this coming Sunday, here are two prayers out of the United Methodist Book of Worship. With this first prayer, notice how we humans are involved with creation.

Blessed Be.


O God, you sent the Holy Spirit to enkindle the zeal of Christ's followers
   waiting in Jerusalem for his promised gift.
Pour the same inspiration on your people here assembled,
   and on the Church of Christ throughout the world.
Revive the power of the gospel in our hearts,
   that it may be to us a sacred trust for the blessing of all creation.
Enable your Church to spread the good news of salvation,
   so that all nations may hear it in their own tongues,
   and welcome it into their own lives.
Protect, encourage, and bless all ministers of the cross,
   and prosper their words and works,
so that Jesus, being lifted up, may draw all people unto him,
and the kingdoms of the world
   may become the kingdom of our Lord and of Jesus Christ. Amen.
(Henry Van Dyke, USA, 20th Cent)

God of wind, word, and fire, we bless your name this day
   for sending the light and strength of your Holy Spirit.
We give you thanks for all the gifts, great and small,
   that you have poured our upon your children.
Accept us with our gifts
   to be living praise and witness to your love throughout all the earth;
through Jesus Christ, who lives with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
   one God, for ever. Amen.
(Don E. Saliers, USA, 20th Cent)

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