Monday, June 4, 2012

The Creatures Who Pray

As we continue with the spring weather (rain here), we notice certain creatures returning once again.

Summer often means hearing the squawks of the Turns. Then there is the sea lion who returns each year. But what about us? We creatures who used to be of the trees, but now upon the water, where would we be classified?

Robert Jenson suggests that we humans are those who are called to pray. Listen to how Stanley Hauerwas writes about Jenson's idea:
Jensen, I think, quite rightly refuses to locate human significance in any one attribute that allegedly distinguishes us from other animals. Rather he maintains that our "specificity" in comparison with the other animals is that we are the ones addressed by God's moral word and so enabled to respond - that we are called to pray. If we will, the odd creatures of the sixth day can be classified: we are the praying animals.* 

*Stanley Hauerwas. A Better Hope. Brazos Press. 2000. quoting Robert Jenson. Systematic Theology. 1997. 2. 58-59.

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