Sunday, March 18, 2012

Participating in Long Human Traditions

Every once in a while I realize that I'm participating in something that humans have been engaged in for 90% or more of our existence. In our modern/post-modern life, it is easy to forget that the majority of humans have lived a nomadic/rural life. It was only 2004-05 that one of us humans wandered into a city and the balance shifted to being an urban species for the first time in our collective history.
But how many of us humans have watched the stars or a sunset or sunrise? How many of us have noticed dark clouds on the horizon, a change in the wind direction and looked for shelter? What about the very act of lighting a fire?
While it is relatively resent that people have gone to sea for pleasure (sea travel itself is ancient), I find myself connected to our ancient ancestors on a physical level while living, and especially, sailing our boat. Here is something - a way of life - that directly depends upon elemental forces of nature (wind, tide, current) that are little changed throughout human history. And a good cruise is by its nature nomadic.
While the Little Book (Bible) continues to speak to me, I also find the Big Book (the world/paradise) speaking more and more to me too.
Where do you find the Divine speaking to you? Where do you find yourself connected/interconnected to our common human history?
Blessed Be
Rev. Joel

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