Monday, March 5, 2012

Ave, Frater - John G. Hanna Poem

Hanna's Tahiti Ketch
As it is blowing here in Blaine today, and the seagulls are gliding through the sky, I thought I'd add a bit of poetry.

John Hanna is most known for his Tahiti Ketch design. He also designed other boats, and was a writer for both MotorBoat and The Rudder, where he enjoyed stirring up controversy and hold various "fencing matches" with other designers. What may not be known (at least I didn't) was that he also wrote poetry. Below is an example I found in John Stephen Doherty's A Ketch Called Tahiti: John G. Hanna and His Yacht Designs (International Marine Publishing Comp, 1987).


Blessed Be

              Ave, Frater

Around my ship, in jostling mass,
     Are hosts of seagulls flying:
They follow and cross, pursue and pass,
     Squabbling, squawking, crying.

With all the wide sea's space to use,
     They choose to crowd together;
Despite discord, conflict, abuse,
     Desiring one another.

Far up a faint black form I spy
     On quiet pinions riding -
A frigate-bird in the gray sky
     His lonely course abiding.

For him no crowding in a herd,
     No need of any other,
No wish for clacking tongue's discord -
     Oh, hail you, my brother!

~ John G. Hanna (Written at sea, January 30, 1932)

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