Monday, February 27, 2012

Sleeping 8 Hours Unnatural?

Good news for those of you contemplating watch keeping this summer - or for those of you with small children (ah, how I remember those days). It turns out that sleeping straight through for 8 hours maybe unnatural. I came across the following BBC News article (below) this past week that examines some of the new research into sleep patterns. By looking at historical writings (including devotional manuals), art work and songs, some sleep experts are suggesting that for most of the human experience, humans had a first sleep of about four hours, woke up for about two hours, and then had another sleep (the second sleep) of about four hours. If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, turns out it is quite natural. Might give you a different perspective on the change of watch, checking on the anchor, or what not, eh?

Blessed Be


Here is the link to the article: "The Myth of the Eight-Hour Sleep" by Stephanie Hegarty

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