Monday, February 13, 2012

Attunement through Breathing

And the Breath of God swept across the face of the waters
~ Genesis 1:2

The 10th day out I suddenly noticed that my breathing was in tune with slow breathing swells of the ocean, writes Pat(ricia) Henry in By the Grace of the Sea: a Woman's Solo Odyssey Around the World. It appears that Pat was suddenly surprised by this, yet expecting it, too. She only mentions this while crossing the Atlantic, but then mentions that as it was day 10, she was finally in sequence with the ocean and a trade wind passage, something she had experienced on two other long passages.

Have you ever had times in which you have suddenly found yourself in sequence with the environment around you? Have you had an experience of being at oneness with the Divine? Did you long for them to continue? How did these come about? How did you keep this attunement going? How did you lose it? How can you get it back?

Blessed Be


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