Monday, December 12, 2011

Grace Happens Because of People Like You

My wife, Laura, works in a preschool here in town. In the last major wind storm, one of the students lost the roof to his house (a single wide trailer). The family was fortunate in that no one was hurt, the roof didn't land on the swing-set - or anything else. But the roof is still in their front yard. They got some tarps and added a tarp roof for a while. In addition, the dad has been out of work (and didn't qualify for unemployment). So money has been very tight.
When the teachers found out about the situation, they decided to act. One of the churches in town decided to set up a work party and raise money to re-roof their home. The roofers came out and shook their heads. There was enough rot in the rafters and studs, etc. that they were amazed the roof hadn't collapsed upon the residents. In the meantime, the school at large rose to the challenge of finding food for this family. One of the middle school classes started a food drive for this family. The elementary school decided that this month all the food collected would go to this family.
About the time this family received their first load of food, the dad got hired with a reliable company. And then a miracle happened.
A man had been renting a double wide trailer. The renters had moved out, and he was faced with needing to do some major cleaning up and painting. He felt "God prompting me to give this double wide trailer to this family." So, he did.
The church has decided that instead of sending a work party to help re-attach the roof, they are going to send a work party to help clean-up and paint and move the family into their new home.

During this holiday season, when we focus so much on giving gifts, sometimes we forget that the important gifts we can give is a wider sense of community. And in the process of participating in a larger community, we are reminded that God's grace arrives as gifts. Grace often as not happens because of people like you.

Blessed Be

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