Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Monday's (2011) Engineless Sailing Video

Hope you've had a good Christmas.

Did you go sailing on Christmas? We are in the midst of doing some remodeling (extending the quarter berth for a growing son) so while we thought about it, we didn't go.

In the midst of celebrating, I find myself giving thanks for loved ones near and far; for those who have mentored me along the way; for friends. Then I've thought, do I, do wec give thanks for the gift of the skills we have, or for those who skills inspire us?

When I ran across this short YouTube video (Knockabout Sloops blog), I just had to share it. This is engine-less sailing at it's most inspiring - sailing out of the travel-lift, through the docks and docking. Nicely done, too. Wow! And while, at this point anyway, I am not advocating pitching/selling the engine, it would be great to be this confident in our sailing to do this, in case the engine were to break down.

I suppose it is just a matter of practice, practice, and more practice.

Blessed Be & Merry Christmas

Rev. Joel
Sjovind splashes and sails out of the slings

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