Friday, December 23, 2011

Advent 5?, 2011

No, there are only 4 Sundays in Advent, but this year there are 5 Fridays, which means we get one more post.
During the Middle Ages, Meister Eckhart during a Christmas sermon said, "What difference does it make if Jesus was born 1400 years ago, if I don't give birth to him here and now?"
After the last few weeks, looking at the context into which Jesus was born, I'll let you draw your own conclusions as to how similar our own context is.
What continues to amaze me each Christmas is that Christ comes - God comes - as a baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, and lying in a manger. Jesus comes to us vulnerable, needing our care and nurture, depending upon us. This Christ child could be any child, could be any adolescent, could be any of us. Dare we recognize the Christ in one another?
Suddenly the air is full of mystery and delight! Do you hear the angels gathering to sing?
Blessed Be
Rev. Joel

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