Monday, November 7, 2011

Voluntary Simplicity so We Can Serve Others

This week I've been reflecting upon voluntary simplicity and conscious living and how that relates to others. I've been reflection upon those people who have impacted my life, and the ways in which I can live that can impact others. In the process I've been thinking about these three quotes, below. The point of them, I think, is that we are to help serve others. We can help to serve others by keeping our own wants and needs and desires simple so we have more resources (time, money, etc.) to be about the things we think are important.

What kind of quote would you add?

Earn all you can, save all you can, give all you can.
     ~ John Wesley

Civilization, in the real sense, consists not in the multiplication of wants but in their deliberate reduction. This alone promotes happiness and contentment – and increases the capacity for service.
     ~ Mahatma Gandhi

The truth is that man needs work even more than he needs a wage. Those who seek the welfare of the workers, should be less anxious to obtain good pay, good holidays and good pensions for them than good work, which is the first of their goods. For the object of work is not so much to make objects as to make men. A man makes himself my making something useful.
     ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Blessed Be

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