Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving - 2011

Today marks the celebration of Thanksgiving in the United States, and I find that while there is much yet to do, and while the world maybe in turmoil and trouble, I am thankful.

I'm thankful for family and friends, community and support, for the ways in which people are generous by nature. This is a time of year in which I am reminded of those gifts of God, of God's grace. As such I thought I would add a few prayers and a call to worship from the United Methodist Book of Worship.

A Blessed Thanksgiving to you.

Rev. Joel

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy,
   for you judge the peoples with equity
   and guide all the nations upon the earth.
Let all the peoples praise you, O God;
   let all the peoples praise you.
The earth has brought forth its increase;
   may God, our own God, bless us.
Let all the peoples praise you, O God;
    let all the peoples praise you.
(USA, 20th Cent., Alt)
Thank you, Creator of the universe,
    for the people gathered around us today.
We give thanks for the things of the earth that give us the means of life.
Thank you for the plants, animals, and the birds
    that we use as food and medicine.
Thank you for the natural world,
    in which we find the means to be clothed and housed.
Thank you, Lord, for the ability
    to use these gifts of the natural world.
Help us to see our place among these gifts,
    not to squander them or think of them as means for selfish gain.
May we respect the life of all you have made.
May our spirits be strengthened by using only what we need,
    and may we use our strength to help those who need us. Amen.
(Sue Ellen Herne, Mohawk, 20th Cent., Alt)
Most gracious God, you crown the year with your goodness.
We praise you that you have ever fulfilled your promise
    that, while earth remains, seedtime and harvest shall not cease.
We bless you for the order and constancy of nature,
    for the beauty of earth and sky and sea,
    and for the providence that year by year supplies our need.
We thank you for your blessing
    on the work of those who plowed the soil and sowed the seed,
        and have now gathered in the fruits of the earth.
And with our thanksgiving for these blessings,
    accept our praise, O God,
        for the eternal riches of your grace in Christ our Lord;
to whom, with you, O Father, and the Holy Spirit,
    be all glory and honor and worship, for ever and ever. Amen.
(J.M. Todd, England, 20th Cent., Alt)

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