Monday, November 28, 2011

Questions of Tools and Technology

Throughout the course of history, we humans have embraced technology. In many ways it is was makes primates special, and differentiates humans from other primates. I don't think we, as a whole, have ever had to question the technology we use. ... Until now.

As you can see/read, I'm not against technology, per se. After all, I'm writing this blog post from a computer and sending it off into "cyberspace" to be stored on a server someplace. But what do we do with old technology? When the computer finally fails and becomes so outdated that it can no longer be updated, where does it go? And where do we get our materials for our computers? (I'll add a video at the end of this post for those of you who might be interested in this question.)

But what to do with boats? When one is outfitting a boat - like we happen to be - how much technology do we add? What kind? I tend to be a K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Sailor) type of outfitter. This is partly due to my own desire to keep costs down, and my desire to have a different type of experience on board than I would in a house. But how does one decide how much technology to add and of what kind? Kerosene lamps are a type of technology, right? Ok, technically  speaking, but probably not what we think about.

It is helpful to me to keep the purpose of the entire venture in mind. I want to be out sailing or exploring places and people. I want to live in harmony with the natural world around me. I want to experience of cruising to be a spiritual praxis - to make me a better person: spiritually, psychologically, physically, emotionally, etc.

Larry and Lin Pardey ask the question: How can you make your boat "unstoppable"? They point out that often we think of electrical aids, when sometimes mechanical aids might be more beneficial.

MacNaughton's lists the following principles as being helpful for the MacNaughton Design Group:
"Everything you add to a boat takes something away. Figure out what you are giving up versus what it will do for you."
"Anything that isn't there can't break down. If it isn't there and therefore isn't broken down it won't keep you in harbor."
"Reducing your wants increases your happiness."

Good luck to all of those who are also outfitting.

Blessed Be

Here's the YouTube video regarding computers
 Ok - so I can't find it, I'll keep looking, in the meantime, if any of you know of the video of a fellow from IBM and a fellow representing Apple talking about the rare earth elements, let me know in the comments section, please.

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