Monday, April 18, 2011

Holy Week & the Five Excellent Practices of Pilgrimages

As we enter Holy Week, I am reminded of Jesus' own life of travel. Rather than settle in one location, setting up shop as a healer, and creating patron-client relationships, an expectation of at least his own family and perhaps his hometown, Jesus felt his ministry was one of iteneracy. We are reminded of Jesus' constant travel with this weeks start of Holy Week: Palm Sunday and his instance into Jerusalem.
Many traditions celebrate this week with smaller pilgrimages inside a church or around the church grounds; following the stations of the cross. Perhaps you just find yourself walking through countryside or town.
No matter what time off year, may these five steps be helpful to you.
"Inspired by a fifth-century conversion between Zi Zhang and Confucius about the practices of wise rulers in _The Analects_, here are five excellent practices for travelers on sacred journeys:
_Practice the arts of attention and listening._
_Practice renewing yourself every day._
_Practice meandering toward the center of every place._
_Practice the ritual of reading sacred texts._
_Practice gratitude and praise-singing._" *
* Cousineau. _The Art of Pilgrimage_ (126)

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