Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day

I was doing some reading over the lunch hour when I read the following quote. As I thought the theme fitting for Earth Day here it is:
"We know, then, that the conflict between the human and the natural estates really exists and that it is to some extent necessary. But we are learning, or relearning, something else, too, that frightens us: namely, that this conflict often occurs at the expense of _both_ estates. It is not only possible but altogether probable that by diminishing nature we diminish ourselves, and vice versa."*
This quote from Berry reminded me of something I once read from James Wharram (the catamaran designer) stating that it is easier, and cheaper, to adjust ourselves to nature, than to adjust nature to ourselves.
Hope you get to spend some time enjoying Earth Day.
*Wendell Berry. Home Economics. Counterpoint. 1987. 10.

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