Monday, April 11, 2011

The Art of Pilgrimage

Ok, time for another book review. Phil Cousineau's Art of Pilgrimage: the Seekers Guide to Making Travel Sacred (Conari Press, 1998) is a wonderful book looking into ways in which any of us can turn our traveling into pilgrimages, journeys of the heart and/or soul. These journeys need not be made to overtly religious sights, he points out. Traveling to the place our ancestors migrated from, or a famous bookstore in which an author, who has impacted us, was first published or hung-out, maybe even the baseball hall-of-fame. The destination is not so important as the journey itself. Cousineau provides questions to ponder, insights into journeying, and resources to turn our travels into opportunities for soulful delight, insight, and work/growth.
What struck me about this book, was the sense that many of my conversations with you have centered around ' holy travel' or  'this is where I have experienced the Holy'.
When traveling by boat I find myself becoming more reflective, and from conversations, it appears many of you do too. As such, I found the topics Cousineau writing about insightful, and a reminder to appreciate the soulfulness of travel.
As you may have noticed, I have been referencing his book. I will continue using some of his insights for the next few blogs. Hope you enjoy.

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