Monday, April 24, 2017

Monday After Earth Day - 2017

Today, being the Monday after Earth Day weekend, I thought the following video and news article might be of interest. Both of these are dealing with us, and with space. But first, perhaps I should answer and obvious (to me, any rate) why? We, you and I, are created things. And the Saints have often referred to the Earth as God's 1st Book. Doesn't it make sense to care and honor such a thing?

The first video was created from photos of the Earth from space. When the Voyager was launched, Carl Sagon worked on the development of it, and he begged the NASA administration to have the Voyager turn the cameras onto Earth as it was leaving our Solar System. The administration relented and gave us the "Pale Blue Dot" photo.

This next link is a Washington Post Article about Space Junk, in particular the stuff floating around the Earth (dead satellites, etc.). It is a review of a new 12:34 minute documentary from the European Space Agency.

May we learn wisdom and perspective in dealing with one another, and the cosmos with which we are intimately connected.

Blessed be,

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