Monday, November 28, 2016

Monday's Practice - Advent 2016

This year for Advent, I thought I would give a spiritual practice, a quote to ponder and a fun film to watch.

I know the children among us are probably ready to start opening the Advent Calendars (aren't we all children inside?). Perhaps for us adults, we too long to look to the Coming of the Christ Child with amazement and delight. We long to slow down, but instead find ourselves busy, busy and even more busy - especially this time of year. So I would invite you to Practice Being Present, right here in the Now of the moment. Take a deep breath and slow down. Close your eyes, and when you open them, look out with amazement at the world. Can you sense the Divine saturating it, us, with Presence?

In the mean time, maybe this article by Omid Safi "The Disease of Being Busy" will help.

Blessed be,


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