Monday, March 14, 2016

Happy Pi Day - 3.14... 2016

Happy Pi Day!

The Math Geeks of the World have got to love this day - the rest of us, well, we love another excuse to eat PIE!

There are some great recipes out there. Why not bake a home/boat-made pie and share it with a friend?

For those of you who have young ones around (or who are young at heart) here is a reference to a great book about reconciliation and friendship: Enemy Pie. The link will bring you to the web-site the author (Derek Munson) has set-up with all sorts of resources. Not to ruin the story, but a new kid moves down the street who becomes Enemy Number 1! Dad has a secret plan to get even - but it involves spending a whole day with Enemy Number 1. Part of the recipe turns Enemy Number 1 into Number 1 Friend. Its a great book.

For those of you who like building things (and I, at any rate, always seem to have an ongoing on-board project nearing completion) there is a great book I've just finished reading: By Hand & Eye (the link brings you to Lost Art Press, the publisher). The authors (George Walker and Jim Tomlin) examine how the artisans used to use simple rules of proportion (1:2; 3:5; 4:5) to bring "perfection" to their work: all with a straight edge and a pair of dividers.

And if all that has you feeling sleepy, apparently, that is OK, too. I just heard on the radio that today also happens to be ... Nap Day.

Blessed Be,


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