Monday, November 10, 2014

Thankful for the Outdoors

Living the way we do, we are often exposed to the outdoors in an intimate way. We hear the rain on the deck. We hear the wind in the rigging  (on our boat and others). We get wet coming and going from the boat. We even startle blue herons (sometimes it is the other way around, as they startle us in their prehistoric manner). We pay attention as we haven't when we lived in a house or an apartment.

These have brought us a great appreciation for our fellow housemates (our fellow Earth dwellers). Sometimes we've seen things we never would have otherwise. For instance, a number of years ago, I took the dog for his last walk of the night. I wasn't really looking forward to this as it was pouring buckets of rain. As we hurried back (I did mention that it was raining buckets of rain?). As we came back, I looked at the surface of the water. It was amazing! Each drop off rain was sending out ripples of phosphorescents. The water was a glow  in drops and ripples. We would have all missed it, if we didn't live so close to the natural world.

May you have graceful experiences in this wonderful world of ours.

Blessed be,


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