Monday, November 3, 2014

Thankful for Generousity

One of our goals as a couple, as a family, as individuals is to be generous people. We feel that we have been given gifts and the only way to respond is with a sense of generosity. Consequently, we tend to look for ways that we can give to others. These gifts don't have to be things, or of a monetary sense (how can you put a dollar amount on friendship?). As a result, we find that this changes the way we see the world around us - the world is full of God's Grace (gift) do we see it? Do we wake appreciative of this, and look for the ways Grace is overflowing our lives? Do we attempt to a line our lives with that sense of Grace? These are the types of questions we ask ourselves.

But rather than brag about ourselves, I'll share two examples that happened to us yesterday.

First, we were dashing off to church, running late. These things always seems to happen as we are dashing off because we're late. A couple stopped us to chat for a moment. Says the husband, "Do you think your kids might like my little kayak? It needs some fixing up, but I think you and the kids could do it. The wife says I haven't used it five years, so it's time to give it away." One of the things that struck me about this was that instead of throwing something away that is no longer used; instead of sending the item off to Goodwill/Value Village/Sally Anne's they were opting to give it away. How cool is that?

Second, after church one of the members was outside changing the Way Side Pulpit/Reader Board. A neighbor to the church asked her if anyone could use some potatoes, they had way to many. So, a neighbor to the church (who has no church connection, as far as I know) donated a bunch of potatoes to the church for the members to take home. How foolish of us to think that the Holy Spirit only works from within the walls of the church.

As you go forth this week, may be you be inspired to generosity by seeing the example in others. May you be such an example, too.

Blessed Be,


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