Monday, June 9, 2014


 I don't know about you, but this last week has seemed remarkably busy. Preparing for Pentecost, the end of the school year activities and what with getting boats cleaned up and ready for the water ... occasionally we loose sight of things. So, this morning found me spending time catching up with devotional reading, when I ran across the following (see below). I must say, that quite often, I find folks sharing compassion with one another in this boating context. If only we carried this forward into all our aspects of life - both personal and organizational.

Blessed Be,


What should you do?
Do good by doing compassion
to everyone
you know needs it.
Expect adversity.
Bear adversity with love
     ~ Mechtild of Magdeburg

Here is some plain and simple advice. it is easy to be good to those who are good to us. It is easy to be compassionate and giving when things are going our way. We can be sweet when life feels sweet to us. it is not easy when circumstances are hard. This is the true test of our openheartedness. And yes, the universe does test us! So expect adversity. This isn't negative. This is a realistic appraisal of life. It has ups and downs. If we can bring a sense of equanimity, a sense of balance, to life's trails, the trails will be less burdensome. Adverse conditions, like all conditions, can and do change. And we will come out lighter, without bitterness, if we bring a calm acceptance to these unavoidable times.
     ~ Diane Mariechild. Open Mind. (HarperSanFrancisco, 1995), May 31.

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