Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Flower Communion Prayer for Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost is a coming this Sunday (June 8th). I thought these Flower Communion prayers by Norbert Capek appropriate for the way they remind us of the importance our various gifts bring to the whole world.

Rev. Dr. Capek started Flower Communion in 1926 in Prague as a closing ritual prior to the summer recess. Everyone would bring a flower on their way to church (from their own garden or from along the road-side). These flowers would make a wonderful bouquet. At the end of the service, the congregation would leave with a different flower.

Consecration of the Flowers
Infinite Spirit of Life, we ask thy blessing on these thy messengers of fellowship and love.
May they remind us of the value of comradeship, of doing and sharing alike.
May we cherish friendship as one of thy most precious gifts.
May we not let awareness of another's talents discourage us, or sully our relationship, but may we realize that whatever we can do, great or small, the efforts of all of us are needed to do thy work in this world.
~ Norbert Capek

Blessed Be,

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