Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Food for Thought: Craft and Community

What does it mean to participate in community? What kind of community is the Kingdom/Kindom? This week's reading from Acts gives one example.

Is it possible that boats, boat building, etc. encourage us into good types of community, too? Those of us interacting with boats know that community goes hand in hand. We help each other, share advise, yarns, friendship, etc. But what about the economic aspects?

Yacht designer Antonio Dias shares some insights, through the following essays, into how he sees "craft" and boat building as ways to help form healthy communities:
Schooner Boat, Part I
Schooner Boat, Part II
Schooner Boat, Update
Schooner Boat, next iteration

When I first read these I was reminded of the writings of Wendel Berry and Bill Cooperthwaite.

Food for thought, indeed.

Blessed Be,

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