Thursday, November 28, 2013

Season of Graces - Cont.: Thanksgiving Blessings 4 of 4

Happy Thanksgiving (in the USA).
We at Winds of Grace wish you a very blessed Thanksgiving Day with this last of the four Thanksgiving Prayers.

Blessed Be,

Joel and everyone at Winds of Grace

Thanksgiving Grace
(All join hands around the table)

This is a day for thanks.
   A day in which we
   see or hear or feel
   the wonders of the other
   moments of the year.
This is a day for time.
   A day in which we
   think of pasts that make
   our present rich
   and future bountiful
This is a day for joy.
   A day in which we
   share a gift of laughter
   warm and gentle
   as a smile.
Above all, this is a day of peace.
   So let us
   touch each other
   and know that
   we are one.
For these and other blessings,
we thank Thee, God.
          ~ Daniel Roselle

Cotner. Graces. (1994). 47.

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