Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Season of Graces - Cont.: Thanksgiving Blessings 2 of 4

There are four Thanksgiving prayers this week. Enjoy this second of the four.

Blessed Be,


For flowers so beautiful and sweet,
For friends and clothes and food to eat,
For gracious hours, for work and play,
We thank Thee this Thanksgiving Day.

For father's care and mother's love,
For blue sky and clouds above,
For springtime and for autumn gay,
We thank Thee this Thanksgiving Day.

For all Thy gifts so good and fair,
Bestowed so freely everywhere,
Give us grateful hears, we pray,
To thank Thee this Thanksgiving Day.
     ~ Mattie M. Renwick

Sarah McElwain (ed). Saying Grace. (2003) 77.

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