Monday, September 9, 2013

Theophanies and Fog

It is that time of year again, here in the Pacific Northwest, when the sun shines straight down, but the fog is think on the horizon! A good time to sit at the anchor or the dock with time for contemplation, coffee, too.

Through out the Hebrew Scripture we find the people of God going out into the desert or up a mountain to seek out an experience of God - a theophany. Somehow, in the Wild places, God's presence could be felt more readily. Perhaps that is why we boaters like to go to Wild places, too.

The Gospel writers pick up this tradition, too. Jesus goes out to the desert or to deserted places to pray. When invited to join him, some of the disciples climb a mountain, a cloud descends and they experience a theopany - and Jesus is transfigured before their eyes.

Clouds and mist have a way of sharing, of bringing to mind what is going on - an opening for an experience of the Divine. What is fog but low clouds?

During this time of the year, we can become frustrated that we are not making good time on our schedules, or we can open ourselves up to a process of slowing down, becoming more aware of the Divine's Presence, and see what might happen.
Blessed Be


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