Monday, September 16, 2013

Bread of Life

On our cruise we started a batch of sourdough and have kept the starter going, making bread a few times a week, sense our return. Through the making of bread, I've been using a wooden spoon that I gave to my grandmother, with the intention that she use it in her own bread making. I don't think she ever did, it was too precious for her. When she died ten plus years ago, the wooden spoon came back to me. This past week, this wooden spoon has been a physical connection between my grandmother and myself. Not only in the using it to make bread, but in the making of bread itself.
As I've been mixing flour and yeasty sponge and kneading, awaiting for the dough to rise, punching it down, letting it rise again and baking it, I've also felt a connection to all of those who have baked bread I have known before, too. And as a pastor, it has reminded me - connected me - with those who have baked communion bread for the church services. In the baking of bread I've felt with connected with the large communion of saints surrounding us.
As we soon enter this season of autumn, may you find things that not only give you life, but connect you to the present and those who have gone before. May you, too, find yourself connected with the communion of saints.

Blessed Be


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