Monday, July 1, 2013

Some Voyaging Quotes to Ponder

For those of you out cruising this summer, here are a few quotes I ran across. May they inspire some interior reflection, pondering and companionship on your voyaging.

Blessed Be


O My Soul, Your Voyages have been my Native Land.
     ~ Nikos Kazantzakis

     I only went out for a walk,
But finally concluded to stay out 'till sundown,
For going out, I found, was really going in!
     ~ John Muir

There is no solace for us,
For such as we,
Who search for some hidden city
We shall never see ...
Instead there is only the road,
The Dawn and the Wind and the Rain
And the Watchfire under the stars,
Then sleep ...
And the road again
     ~ John Masefield

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