Monday, July 29, 2013

Nature Bring Wonderment and Awe

Two interesting articles about philanthropic organizations: the role of daughters and the shadow side of things. And speaking of doing things a little differently, how about the launch of the Vermont Sailing Project.

With clear days come clear nights. The stars have been spectacular! And while there is a sense of smallness (Who am I in this huge vastness of space?), there is more wonderment and awe. Then I read the following by Madeline L'Engle.
Oh, I am in awe of the maker of galaxies and geese, stars and starfish, mercury and men (male and female). Sometimes it is rapturous awe, sometimes it is the numinous dread Jacob felt. Sometimes it is the humble awe of knowing that ultimately I belong to God, to the Maker whose thumb print is on each of us. And that is blessing.
          ~ Madeline L'Engle. Glimpses of Grace. Carole F. Chase ed. 1996:196
May your summer continue to be fulling of wonder, awe and blessing.

Blessed Be


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