Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day - 2013

I've always had mixed emotions regarding Memorial Day (a USA holiday - read three day weekend - that used to be called "Decoration Day" - a day of remembering our fallen soldiers). As someone working towards pacifism, and non-violent resistance, I find marking the war dead troubling. Not in so much, marking those who have sacrificed their lives for their country per se, but in the ways in which such an event is often used to "rattle the sabers" rather than a time to ponder how we might live differently. If World War I was referred to as the Great War and was to be the "War that Ended All Wars" what does that say about human nature (especially in the western part of the world) and a very bloody 20th century?

So, today, I want to high-light someone who is trying to make a difference in the world. The following is about biking in Portland, OR - but think about how it could make a difference and/or be applied to boating.

Researcher [Jane Pearce] considers cargo bikes as tools for social justice.

Similarly, you might want to take a look at what the Vermont Sail Freight Project.

Blessed Be


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