Monday, May 20, 2013

Life As An Experiment

This past weekend my family helped friends move onto their new farm, where they are eager to put into practice all they have been reading and learning: permaculture, animal husbandry, sustainability, etc., etc.
During a trip for more furniture the topic of conversation turned to how the Nearings lived their lives as an experiment (I might also add as a positive protest for the way things could be). I've written about Scot and Helen Nearing before.
What I've been thinking about since is this question: do we live our lives as an experiment? And join reflection, I've realized this has (continues to be?) a sub-topic of conversation here. I continue to believe that what we need in the world at present is people willing to live their lives as an experiment, saying, "As this is what I believe, this is how I live my life. I'm trying to live further and further into what I stand for."
Blessed be,

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