Sunday, August 12, 2012

Watching for God's Light in All Things

As I write, those of us anchored near by can hear the seals talking/singing away. "Ungh ungh" "Oohnngh" "Wrraahngh"
"The fish are great!" "I'm tired of eating them!" "It's a joy to be alive!" What do they sing about?
Last night a seal found a cave near our anchorage and sung away listening to the echos. It reminded me of a child discovering the same thing. Or, again, when they seem to flip and splash for no other reason than the sheer joy if it, it reminds me of various things we humans so for the pure joy of it, like perhaps staying up late to watch a meteor shower.
For us, cruising is a way to reconnect with nature: our own, the natural world, and God's.
I'm reminded of this prayer by J. Philip Newell:
I watch this morning
for the light that the darkness has not overcome.
I watch for the fire that was in the beginning
and that burns still in the brilliance of the rising sun.
I watch for the glow of life that gleams in the growing earth
and glistens in the sea and sky.
I watch for your light, O God,
in the eyes of every living creature
and in the ever-living flame of my own soul.
If the grace of seeing were mine this day
I would glimpse you in all that lives.
Grant me the grace of seeing this day.
Grant me the grace of seeing.
     ("Sunday Morning, Opening Prayer". Celtic Benediction. 2000.)
May you have eyes to see and experience this day.
Blessed Be,

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