Monday, August 6, 2012

Getting Ready for a Summer Cruise Means Choices

Getting ready for a cruise means re-organizing, at least for us. We find we have to move out of "condo" mode and into "cruise" mode. Usually this involves sorting all sorts of things from tools to old school projects. Which things go to a car for our return? If this outfit no longer fits, whom do we want to pass it on to? Then there is the matter of books. Which to take as a reference? Which are we likely to read? Which are comforting to have a around? Will the ones we checked out from the library be due before we return? We find that while cruising we love the slower pace that allows for more time spent reading. And which books help to change the cruise into a pilgrimage by adding that little something extra, that little reminder of the Spirit's presence?
Blessings on your cruises!

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