Monday, October 10, 2011

Reflections on the Wall Street "Strike"

As has "hosted" the protest movement on Wall Street and other places around the world calling for social justice and real democracy (maybe you, too, have received an invitation from a friend to sign a petition?); as European leaders wonders what to do with countries like Greece, Iceland, et. al. who have followed the United States' capitalism methodology and are now bankrupt; and as "green" and "sustainability" have been co-opted by the corporations, one may wonder what an individual's actions can accomplish in what appears to be an on going international financial crisis.
Living simply is one action that any of us can do.
Purposefully living on the margins of society makes a political statement.
Notice, that I said purposefully living on the margins of society. I want to be clear that there is a difference between choosing to living this way, and being forced to live this way due to larger societal forces. Gandhi choose to live amongst the poor, he didn't have to do so. Maybe I should say, his conscience and believe system lead him down this road, perhaps he had to in order to be true to himself.
If your conscience, your spirit, the Spirit, continues to nag you about how the world could be a better place, and this leads you into action - be it on a international-national level, or a local level - does this also involve how you choose to live out your ideals?
The way we live, the things we purchase, our outlook on life makes a difference, and others do notice.
Of course, I am merely highlighting a theme of this blog from the beginning. But I do think it is important that our actions back up our belief systems. Corporations do have a significant amount of power because we give it to them in how, in what, and in where we shop. Our desire for cheap products and our willingness to overlook where they come from have lead in part to our current international economic system. I also realize that this development has happened over a long period of time. It is one of the reasons I mention the "margins" as I'm not sure one can cut one's self off from the economic realities of our times. It is too much a part of the air we breathe. But there are other choices.
I think it also important to remember that local markets (be they financial, food, or what not) are often where our true security lies. 
And no matter how we might vote, or who's petition we might sign, are we willing to live our lives in ways that match our ideals?
How is the Spirit leading you?



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