Monday, October 3, 2011

Live Abundantly

 This past week, I have been pondering life amidst death.

Sunday evening, I officiated at a funeral service for a 26 year old man who died in a car accident in Colorado. The car he was riding in hydro-planned off the road. When I shared what was happening with others on the dock other stories emerged of family and friends who were/are struggling with sudden changes in life: a diagnosis with a terminal illness, what does it mean to survive a near drowning.

To summarize the liturgy: In the midst of life, we are in death. And in the midst of death we are in life.

But do we live as if we are full of life?

This 26 year old man lived his life. He lived it to the full, embracing life and friends and family. He lived. I have officiated at other funerals for 96 year olds who lived this long life, but never lived.

Jesus says "I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10).

The choice is ours, to be fully and compassionately alive as we live.

For me, it is one of the reasons I like living aboard. I feel more alive. I feel more present in the wonders of the world. And I recognize the abundance that is here, surrounding us.

Know that you are God's Beloved, and live life abundantly.



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