Sunday, December 6, 2009

Advent Calendar 6 December 2009

Second Sunday of Advent: Feast of St. Nicolas, patron of children and sailors
Revised Common Lectionary Readings: Malachi 3:1-4; Luke 1:68-79; Philippians 1:3-11; Luke 3:1-6
This week, the concept of covenant caught my eye while studying today’s readings. Indeed we are in covenant with one another and the world around us, not to mention in covenant with God. Although we hope for peace on earth during the Christmas season – or at least a lull in the violence – today’s passages remind us that we are to live in peace and justice, indeed in righteousness with God, one another, and creation. Challenging lessons when what we read in the newspapers, hear on the radio and see on TV are but invitations to buy, purchase and spend money on Christmas gifts. Yet today’s scripture invites us to ask, who are making the products we purchase? Under what conditions do they toil? And in a world that is becoming increasing aware of limited oil resources, how far did these items travel to get to us? Tough questions without easy answers. But there is hope. God continues to invite all of to re-enter the covenant. Again and again, the invitation beckons forth. How do we respond?

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